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OP PIK - Automation of avaps processes​

The company AVAPS s.r.o. implements a project entitled "Automation of AVAPS processes", reg. no .: CZ.01.2.06 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 18_241 / 0018596. This project is funded by the European Union from the Regional Development Fund under the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The aim of the project is to implement process and technological changes in the company AVAPS s.r.o., which will lead to increased efficiency and consequently competitiveness. As part of the project, a new company-wide information system connecting the characteristics of ERP / MES / MIS systems will be acquired and implemented. In addition, technologies developing the functionality of the control system and selected production technologies will be acquired and installed.

OP PIK - Potential​

AVAPS s.r.o. implements a project entitled "AVAPS Development Center", Reg. No: CZ.01.1.02 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 15_002 / 0000283. This project is funded with support from the European Union from the Regional Development Fund under the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The aim of the project is to build a new development center of AVAPS, which includes a background for construction and development, but especially a background for indicative tests of fire resistance according to different standards. Within the project will be built a new building of the center including complete facilities and technological equipment. The result of the project will be an overall increase in the dynamics of the company's development and hence the strengthening of the market.

The following investments were made within the project:

  • Fire Testing Laboratory Building
  • Wall test furnace 
  • Bridge crane 
  • Crane traverse including euro suspension
  • Assembly electric platform
  • Measurement and image recording set-up
  • Ytong saw
  • Common tool set incl. storage cabinet
  • Hand-held cordless tools
  • Sewing machine 
  • Technical equipment (PC, monitor, laptop, SolidEdge licence) incl. room networking
  • 3D printer

We can perform tests on the above technologies for other entities under market conditions.

OP PIK - Innovation​

AVAPS s.r.o. is implementing a project called "New AVAPS Products", Reg. No: CZ.01.1.02 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 15_014 / 0000361. This project is funded with support from the European Union from the Regional Development Fund under the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The aim of the project is to make changes in production that will enable the production of the innovative textile roller shutter closure ATRPU-FIBREROLL and overall production more efficient. New technologies will be acquired and installed within the project. The result of the project will be to enable the production of an innovative closure, to increase competitiveness, to increase the overall quality of production, to reduce the risks of production guarantees.

OP PIK - Application

Development of the first textile roller shutter in the EI category

Our company AVAPS s.r.o. realizes the project entitled "Development of the first textile roller shutter in the EI category", reg. no .: CZ.01.1.02 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 15_018 / 0000995, launched in July 2015 and planned for June 2018 This project is funded with support from the European Union from the Regional Development Fund under the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The project is aimed at significantly strengthening the company's competitiveness on the market, mainly through the development of its own rolling shutter fireproof enclosure in the EI category (ie fire prevention), the parameters of which will be at least comparable with the products of the leading manufacturers. Our company will acquire a new product with parameters that it does not already have and can become one of the few manufacturers that are able to supply the textile roller shutter in the EI category, with an attestation of all required parameters.

OP PIK - Application IoT

Our company AVAPS s.r.o. implements a project entitled "Development of IoT system of fire shutters", reg. no .: CZ.01.1.02 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 19_262 / 0020099, which was launched in January 2020 and its implementation is planned until December 2022. This project is financed with the support of the European Union from the Regional Development Fund under the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

The project focuses on the development of a special interface that will allow you to connect AVAPS products to the Internet of Things (IoT) through 4 main steps:

  1. Product innovation for use in IoT
  2. Development of data collection equipment
  3. Development of data processing technology and their transmission within IoT
  4. Development of an application for the use of acquired data.

The result of such research and development will be a completely innovative system connecting AVAPS products with IoT.

Flag EU

Participation in project support for vocational training of employees

Innovation of the workplace organization using digital enterprise tools and lean production methods

On the basis of the request for assistance dated August 9, 2016 in accordance with Section 14 of Act No. 218/2000 Coll. On Budgetary Rules and amendment of some related laws and in accordance with the Ministry of Industry and Commerce's internal procedures for project evaluation, the following project has been recognized as acceptable and eligible for grant according to the objectives of the OP EIC Innovation Voucher Support Program and it has been decided to provide a grant for the intended purpose:

Project duration

August 15, 2016 - September 30, 2016


Ministry of Industry and Trade​

Project name

Innovation of the workplace organization using digital enterprise tools and lean production methods

Project registration number


The name of the support program 

Innovative vouchers

Priority axis of the operating program

PO-1 "Development of Research and Development for Innovation"

Specific objective of the operational program

SC 1.2 “Increase the intensity and effectiveness of the collaboration in research, development and innovation"

Place of project implementation

U Obalovny 488, 250 67 Klecany

Name of the addressee

AVAPS s.r.o.

Seat of the recipient

U Obalovny 488, 250 67 Klecany

Company Registration Number


Project note:

The content of the project is the innovation of the production, which will optimize the layout of the workplaces and the innovation of the work processes. The project will use the tools of Digital Enterprise and Lean Manufacturing. The aim is to increase production efficiency, increase production volume and reduce order execution costs. It is expected to streamline workflows, reduce activities that do not add value, and reduce the time it takes to complete orders. The risk is a change in the market situation in which an increase in production efficiency would be ineffective.

Project goal:

The aim of the project is to increase the overall efficiency of the production system, that is, its capacity and flexibility to respond to requirements. Innovate the production system (arrangement of workstations and work processes) accordingly in order to increase the production volume. Another goal of the project is to reduce the cost of implementing individual orders.

Mapa ČR s polohou Avaps s.r.o.
AVAPS s.r.o.
U Obalovny 488
250 67 Klecany
Česká republika
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