AVAPS s.r.o.
U Obalovny 488, 250 67 Klecany, Czech Republic 

Miloslav Zinek
Assembly Technician

Jiří Ryba
Assembly Technician

David Krejčíř
Assembly Technician

Filip Krejčiřík
Assembly Technician

Bohdan Skorondyak
Assembly Technician

František Kafrda
Assembly Technician

János Kiss
Assembly Technician

Jakub Pospíšil
Service technician

Jan Svoboda
Service technician

Jozef Pajer
Service technician

Luboš Sloup
Service technician

Miroslav Krček
Service technician

Miroslav Makrlík
Service technician

Marek Mottl
Service technician

Radovana Vilímová
Martin Vrba

Milan Klečka

Michal Nouza

Martin Benák
Head of Metal Production

Michal Havlík
Metal Production

Daniel Sál
Metal Production

Jiří Schneider
Metal Production

Jiří Kupčík
Metal Production

Jakub Veselý
Master of Sewing

Dominik Žolták
Sewing Production

Sabina Šmídová
Sewing Production