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Timeline with future plans

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Employee training and development - talent methodology, professional training.

Growth within Europe - entry into other markets.

Continuous development of new products and services.

New CNC technologies in production - increasing self-sufficiency and production efficiency.

FIBREroll EI+ (2) obchod vodoznak

Anniversary 25 years since the foundation of AVAPS s.r.o.

Integration of the service department into the sales department (sales part) and the installation department (service part) and the creation of the installation and service department.

Start of sales and production of the new generation of FIBREroll EI+ without sprinkling system.

Sales and production of FIBREroll EASY with EW 30 resistance.

Completion of the development and certification of the FIBREroll H product.

Digitalization of installations and services - introduction of tablets for technicians.

Company turnover of EUR 9.7 million.

11. Ocenění MPO

Using our FIBREroll and SMOKEbarrier products to simulate real smoke behaviour in a building, including the coordination of fire safety equipment.

Successful testing and certification of the new FIBREroll EI+ generation with resistance up to EI 90.

Successful fire testing of the FIBREroll H custom horizontal closure.

MIT award – Entrepreneur of the Year 2022 award for the Technology project.

New modern technologies in production: CNC milling machine and industrial sewing machine.

Company-wide teambuilding and Christmas party.

Language courses and yoga for employees.

Record company turnover of EUR 9.9 million.


Entry in the register of family businesses in the Czech Republic.

Launch of the new Slovak website.

Obtaining accreditation for the fire testing laboratory.

Operation of production without interruption even during COVID.

Company-wide teambuilding to create a park behind the production hall.

Successful testing of the new generation FIBREroll EI with 30 and 60 minutes resistance.

Quality comparison tests of fire-resistant products for Firefighters with the participation of Czech TV and for ČKAIT with Promat, Sapeli and KRASO.

Digitization of internal processes to minimize printing - all online.

Company turnover at 2019 level, i.e. EUR 6.7 million.



The company's management handed over to the company owner´s son Ing. arch. Filip Novotný.

The company increased the number of employees to 65.

The new FIBREroll SAFE product - a combination of our shutter and a rolling grille in a compact design.

Participation at FeuerTrutz digital as a platinum member.

New AVAPS website.


A new hall was built - the third ship of the production hall with an area of ​​approximately 1,000 m2.

Accreditation of the Fire Testing Laboratory has started.

Introduction of a new ERP information system - Smart 4 web.

New products with CE certification: FIBREroll EW 30/45/60/90/120.

Powder coating plant - now also for commercial use.

Economic growth of turnover by +18% compared to the previous year to EUR 6,7 million.


AVAPS Fire Testing Laboratory was built and indicative fire tests started to be performed.

A branch of AVAPS SK s.r.o. was established in Slovakia in Trenčín.

New FIBREroll EI product including CE certification.

Economic growth of turnover by +17% compared to the previous year to EUR 5,7 million.


A new production hall with an area of approximately 2,500 m2 with modern production technologies was built: a powder coating line, a sewing center with semi-automatic machines, etc.

Construction of the third production hall and the Development and Testing Center, including a 5.0 × 3.5 m test furnace for fire tests (completion 05.2018).

Economic growth of turnover by + 25% compared to the previous year to EUR 4,9 million.


Project of workplace layout innovation using digital enterprise tools and lean manufacturing methods with the support of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Completion of the projects of a new "Development Center" and new production halls.

Economic growth of turnover by + 18% compared to the previous year to EUR 3,9 million.


Certification of new products: FIBREroll Q and SMOKEbarrier AT E.

Development of the first textile fire shutter in the EI category - with the support of the EU within the OP EIC program.

New types and certifications for smoke tight fire shutters FIBREroll Sm and Sa.

Economic growth of turnover by + 12% compared to the previous year to EUR 3,3 million.


The company thrives and takes care of its environment.

New FIBREroll E180 / EW120 certification.

Economic growth of turnover by + 43% compared to the previous year to EUR 3 million.


New types and certifications for SMOKEbarrier D120 and FIBREroll EW, EI 120 for the Czech and Slovak Republics.

Economic growth of turnover by + 18% compared to the previous year to EUR 2,1 million.


AVAPS has started its own licensed production of FIREROLL steel fire shutters.


Intensive development of own fire protection systems - fire tests.

New types and certifications of the FIBREroll product for the Czech and Slovak Republics.


The year when the whole construction industry froze and Klecany also fell under the snow.


Our production focused on new opportunities.


Construction of new offices and production facilities. We are growing in size and profit.

New types and certifications for FIBREroll, SMOKEbarrier AT, SMOKEbarrier ST and SMOKEbarrier SG for the Czech and Slovak Republics.


The new FIBREroll product was successfully certified.

Representation of the company AKFS for the Czech Republic, flood control system DPS 2000.

Successfully performed a fire test of the FIREGUARD 1634 product with the company SLAETS.

Carrying out a partial reconstruction, building a warehouse with an area of 60 m2 and a new production hall with an area of 110 m2.

Development of the ALEDOX-K2 machine for dry ice cleaning, which obtained CE certification and the sale of the first pieces.


A successful fire test of the new ATRHOP horizontal fire textile shutter (now FIBREroll H) was performed.

Certification of ATRPU 2 products in Alfa and Beta versions - this series enabled the start of production of large fire shutters (up to 20 x 6 m).

Installation of two ATRPU-2-ALFA fire shutters with dimensions of 15x5m in OC TESCO-Letňany.

Achieving a record turnover of over EUR 1,9 million.


Exclusive representation of FLEMA and GNS for the Czech and Slovak Republics.

AVAPS started its own production of glass smoke barriers - SMOKEbarrier SG, then under the name ASKOZ.

Obtaining certificates for two other types of fire shutters from BOLTON GATE Co.Ltd., namely FIREROLL E120 and EUROFOLD.


AVAPS company started its own production of textile smoke barriers - SMOKEbarrier AT (active) and ST (static), then under the name ATRKOZ and ATEKOZ.


AVAPS started its own production of textile fire shutters of the FIBREroll product series.

Completion of the reconstruction of office space.


Purchase and reconstruction of the leased area of the former military barracks in Klecany into the ownership of AVAPS.


Representation of AVAPS s.r.o. in the Slovak Republic.


Certification in the company's management system according to the EN ISO 9002 standard.


Increase turnover in sales, installation and service of steel roller shutters by 100%.


AVAPS s.r.o. is the exclusive representative of Bolton Gate Co. Ltd. for the Czech Republic - sales, installation, and service of steel fire shutters.


March 5, 1998 - the establishment of the company AVAPS s.r.o., from the very beginning with family tradition.

Mapa ČR s polohou Avaps s.r.o.
AVAPS s.r.o.
U Obalovny 488
250 67 Klecany
Česká republika
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