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01. 01. 2022


<p>Using our <strong>FIBREroll </strong>and <strong>SMOKEbarrier </strong>products to <strong>simulate real smoke behaviour in a building</strong>, including the <strong>coordination of fire safety equipment</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Successful testing and certification </strong>of the new <strong>FIBREroll</strong> <strong>EI+</strong> generation with resistance <strong>up to EI</strong> <strong>90</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Successful fire testing</strong> of the <strong>FIBREroll</strong> <strong>H</strong> custom horizontal closure.</p> <p><strong>MIT award</strong> – <strong>Entrepreneur of the Year</strong> <strong>2022</strong> award for the Technology project.</p> <p>New <strong>modern technologies</strong> in production: <strong>CNC milling machine and industrial sewing machine</strong>.</p> <p>Company-wide <strong>teambuilding </strong>and <strong>Christmas party</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Language courses</strong> and <strong>yoga </strong>for employees.</p> <p><strong>Record company turnover</strong> of <strong>EUR</strong> <strong>9.9</strong> <strong>million</strong>.</p>

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U Obalovny 488
250 67 Klecany
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