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16. 07. 2020

AVAPS Family Day 2020

Untraditional AVAPS encounter

This year, AVAPS decided to organize a somewhat untraditional meeting, which took place on July 16, 2020, in the beautiful countryside on the banks of the Vltava River in Klecánky. For the first time, we had the opportunity to get to know the closest of our co-workers, including the smallest ones, for whom many attractions were prepared.

We are glad that despite the heavy rain we met in such large numbers and in a friendly environment. The event was a success thanks to the active participation of all of us!

Special thanks go to the town of Klecany, to the mayor Dan Dvořák for providing the land, benches and tables, and the electricity supply.

Association PRAVÝ HRADEC, Mrs. Zdeňka Tomášková for horses and ponies, a workshop with jewelry and drums with a drummer.

Volunteer firefighters Klecany, who showed us fire trucks and equipment with amazing willingness.

Last but not least, Mr. and Mrs. Benák, who took care of the refreshment stand.

We look forward to more events!


Mr. Filip and Mr. Pavel Novotný

AVAPS s.r.o.
U Obalovny 488
250 67 Klecany
Česká republika
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