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Control unit, Accessory
Smoke detector
  • Design and functional solution
  • Starting fire detection
  • Serviceability check and service

Key product features

Design and functional solution
Operability check and service
Detection of an emerging fire

Smoke detector


It is mainly used to detect the onset of fire locally.

When smoke detectors that signal a fire, they instruct the AOP Control Unit to  lower the fire shutter.

Local detection consists of a  system of autonomous detectors, one of which is the Smoke Detector. The number of smoke detectors depends on the width of the shutter. The EN  standard states 1  smoke detector on each side of the shutter for shutters up to 4 meters clear width and 2 smoke detectors on each side of the shutter for shutters wider than 4 m.

Additional equipment of the AVAPS fire shutter. In case of connection only to local fire detection, it is a mandatory accessory of the fire shutter.


  • Identification of smoke, and therefore fire, at the beginning
  • Communication with the fire shutter control unit closes the fire dividing structure and prevents the occurrence of fire in other parts of the building.

Smoke detector


Materials for download

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+420 777 911 770

We develop, sell, manufacture, assemble, service our products ourselves and at the same time we also offer our professional services to external customers.

coating plant
Mapa ČR s polohou Avaps s.r.o.
AVAPS s.r.o.
U Obalovny 488
250 67 Klecany
Česká republika
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